Ruby Usergroup Hamburg - January 2019
hosted by Jan Zaydowicz by, 09.01.2019 at 19:00We will start the new year with the meetup at PhraseApp
Attendees: (11)
Peter Schröder
Events: 82
Topics: 12
Events: 30
Topics: 5
Nina Siessegger
Events: 29
Topics: 1
Ben Rexin
Events: 64
Topics: 6
Stefan Bauckmeier
Events: 57
Topics: 2
Events: 68
Topics: 0
Thomas Jachmann
Events: 59
Topics: 0
Jan Zaydowicz
Events: 36
Topics: 6
Hendrik Mans
Events: 20
Topics: 5
Helmut Schmidt
Events: 9
Topics: 0
Mehmet Beydogan
Events: 1
Topics: 0