Ruby Usergroup Hamburg - February 2024
hosted by Jan Zaydowicz by Sapiens Germany GmbH, 14.02.2024 at 19:00Moin Everyone 👋
You're welcome wherever you're from as long as you adhere to our Code of Conduct - the meetup is in English.
The current schedule is as follows:
- 1. Welcome
- 2. Talk
- 3. Hanging out (optional) :)
Some food 🍽 and drinks 🥛 will be available
See you there! Can't wait ✨
Irina and Jan
For updates Watch this page or join our Discord
Performance issues ...
I show, how to find performance issues, we did not try to find, while we still didn't solve the ones, we initially wanted to look into. So this is a little bit about perfomance monitoring, N+1 issues and small glimpses into profiling.
Code in Space
Wieso schaffen es Sonden und Roboter im All eigentlich so lange zu arbeiten? Welche Programmiersprachen, welche Methoden und welche Technik steht dahinter? Und welche Herausforderungen hat man zu bewältigen, wenn etwas so richtig lange laufen soll? Davon erzähl ich euch ein bisschen was.
Why do probes and robots in space manage to work for such a long time? What programming languages, methods, and technology are involved? And what challenges need to be overcome when something is meant to run for a really long time? I'll tell you a little bit about that.
Attendees: (8)
Jan Zaydowicz
Events: 36
Topics: 6
Ben Rexin
Events: 66
Topics: 6
Gunnar Magholder
Events: 12
Topics: 2
Karsten Senz
Events: 55
Topics: 1
Moritz Kröger
Events: 25
Topics: 0
Judy Umbach
Events: 20
Topics: 0
Johannes Georg
Events: 10
Topics: 1
Anna Kizilova
Events: 15
Topics: 0