Ruby Usergroup Hamburg - December 2017
hosteado por Irina Lindt en mindmatters, 13.12.2017 a las 19:00Mindmatters are bringing us the Christmas spirit with mulled wine and waffles!
Update: slides form the talks are here!
Tools, tools everywhere by Daniel Carral Ruby on Robotics ( by JoschkaSchulz
Ruby on Robotics (
Ein kleiner Einblick in die Steuerung von Arduinos und Digispark Controller mit Ruby anhand zwei Live Demos.
Tools, tools everywhere
There are a myriad of open-source tools which can help us in our day-a-day coding activities. Most of them, however, are rarely used by most professional software developers.
During this session we're gonna walk through several Ruby tools, covering interesting configuration options and some tips & tricks on how to incorporate them into our development workflow.
Participantes: (16)
Helmut Schmidt
Eventos: 9
Temas: 0
Joschka Schulz
Eventos: 46
Temas: 3
Marjan Bachtiari
Eventos: 16
Temas: 0
Sarah Langheinrich
Eventos: 23
Temas: 0
Peter Schröder
Eventos: 82
Temas: 12
Eventos: 30
Temas: 5
Tim Schurig
Eventos: 9
Temas: 0
Daniel Carral
Eventos: 1
Temas: 1
🎉 Robin Drexler 🎉
Eventos: 3
Temas: 1
Martin Wilhelmi
Eventos: 9
Temas: 0
Eventos: 30
Temas: 0
Eventos: 18
Temas: 0
Stefan Bauckmeier
Eventos: 57
Temas: 2
Eckhard von Rotte
Eventos: 15
Temas: 0
Gharbi Mohammed
Eventos: 10
Temas: 1
Eventos: 8
Temas: 0