Lerna - Monorepos
Developing and shipping a web component seems simple at first, but modern frontend stacks come with their own set of challenges: A wide set of browsers implements relatively new specs and not everything is set in stone yet. If you set out to create and ship your own set of custom elements this eventually needs organization and strategies to deploy the code with documentation as easy as possible and continuously while adapting to changes in the underlying frameworks and your own set of features.
In this talk ....
We will make use of NPM to manage dependencies and publish our own elements while we automatically deploy documentation. API resources will be accessed with OpenAPI clients and can be updated via npm as well if the underlying API changes. Lerna.js will help us to keep the repository count small, speed up development and servers as a general access point for a "one button install" and "one button build". A component catalog provides "End-User" documentation to show the components in different contexts. Test Automation helps to keep these old and new browsers at check and keep an eye on a11y issues. Look at a set of self created templates that helps the components to be uniformly structured and dependencies fit your environment.